UK government plans $6Bn outsourcing framework

LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM — The UK government has revealed plans for a new £5 billion (US$6.09 billion) framework for public sector organizations to purchase outsourced contact center and business process services over the next four years.
The Crown Commercial Service (CCS) published a notice outlining its intent to create a long-term ‘Outsourced Services’ agreement to replace an existing framework expiring in 2025.
The new framework will be split into a £1.5 billion (US$1.82 billion) contact center lot and a £2 billion (US$2.43 million) business services lot.
Suppliers on the contact center lot will provide services, including call handlers and innovation through technology. The business services lot will cover payroll, HR, finance, and procurement.
CCS will spend the next two years engaging with industry experts and potential suppliers before launching the formal procurement process in September 2023. The new framework aims to take effect in August 2025 when the current deal expires.
The existing framework is also split into contact center and business services lots worth £1.5 billion and £2 billion. It features 18 suppliers and began in 2021.
The frameworks allow all UK public bodies – including government, National Health Service (NHS), police, and charities – to purchase the outsourced services.