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News » Only 7% of CEOs go to office full-time: IWG survey

Only 7% of CEOs go to office full-time: IWG survey

ZUG, SWITZERLAND — A recent survey by International Workplace Group (IWG) has uncovered a surprising trend among corporate leaders: only 7% of CEOs are working full-time in the office, despite calls for employees to return to traditional work settings. 

The study, which polled over 500 CEOs in the United Kingdom, provides compelling insights into the evolving nature of work at the executive level and highlights a significant discrepancy between leadership practices and workforce expectations

The rise of multi-location work among executives

According to the survey, 93% of CEOs now split their working time between different locations. Ironically, only 7% maintaining a traditional five-day office presence despite a quarter believing that a return to the office full-time is a priority.

Meanwhile, 62% of business leaders divide their time between a central office, local flexible workspace, and home, indicating a growing preference for decentralized work environments.

Benefits of hybrid work on company culture

The survey underscores several benefits of hybrid working, particularly regarding company culture and team dynamics. 

Three-quarters of the CEOs surveyed agreed that hybrid work had improved their company culture. Employee engagement and collaboration have also seen notable enhancements, with 77% and 75% of CEOs respectively reporting positive changes in these areas.

Moreover, 73% percent of CEOs believe that offering flexible work options has enabled them to attract and hire top talent. Flexibility also allows businesses to tap into a more diverse talent pool, with 71% of CEOs noting that they can now consider candidates from a broader range of backgrounds.

Investment in technology and future outlook

The transition to hybrid working has prompted significant investment in technology. According to the poll, 94% of CEOs have invested in new technologies to enhance their hybrid work experience over the past year. For 43%, this technological investment was their top priority in the last 12 months.

As companies continue to adapt to the changing work landscape, the majority of CEOs (74%) do not prioritize a full-time return to the office. In fact, 65% believe that mandating daily office presence could result in the loss of talented employees.

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