OhioHealth to outsource IT, RCM jobs

Nonprofit healthcare system OhioHealth is looking to outsource its information technology (IT) and revenue cycle management (RCM) operations to continue delivering a “best-in-class, patient-centric, personalized healthcare experience” to its clients.
In a statement, OhioHealth spokesperson Colin Yoder said that this will allow them to secure the skills, technology, expertise, and innovation required to provide an enhanced healthcare experience without taking away from their previous investments.
Although the outsourcing plan will compromise 637 in-house roles, Yoder stated OhioHealth will be supporting its employees with outplacement support, a job fair, temporary salary, and benefits continuation upon termination.
The organization will also be offering upskill training for information technology employees.
“We have also been intentional in providing every person with as much notice as possible that their role will be eliminated,” Yoder added. “Our goal is to support every person as they transition to their next opportunity.”
OhioHealth operates 12 hospitals across the state of Ohio and is headquartered in Columbus.