Transformation is key to being industry leader, says BPO firm’s CEO

Transformation, which includes the allied concepts of evolution and innovation, is crucial for business process outsourcing (BPO) firms to become industry leaders, according to the CEO of one of the top BPO firms in the country. While automation, artificial intelligence, and robotic systems are being adopted across various industries, Mark Lyndsell, CEO (Global English Region) for Transcom Worldwide, said the human element makes a significant difference for businesses and organizations. The CEO cited Transcom’s heavy investing in digital-recruitment initiatives for quick manpower processing, and using social media to attract quality candidates who belong to Generations Y and Z. The executive also revealed that he is leading a cultural transformation initiative in his company to promote inclusivity and diversity by discussing issues such as mental health, HIV, and LGBT rights, and by hiring the right mix and balance of Filipino and foreign workers. He also stressed taking care of the welfare of employees by providing them with facilities and amenities that add value to their everyday lives. In addition, Lyndsell said that with the constant changes in technology, and in customer and employee expectations, a business has to also continually change to keep pace.