CCaaS adoption grows as CX takes center stage, says ISG

CONNECTICUT, UNITED STATES — Contact-center-as-a-service (CCaaS) platforms are becoming a mainstream enterprise strategy as customer experience (CX) gains importance in corporate decision-making.
In its 2023 ISG Provider Lens report, research and advisory firm Information Services Group (ISG) said that adoption of digital CX services grew significantly over the last three years, driven by digital transformation, cloud migration, and hybrid work modes
CCaaS has also evolved to include many features beyond basic voice and text, such as tools to manage, retain, and optimize workforces and embedded technologies like artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), automation, and chatbots.
ISG Partner for Digital Solutions Wayne Butterfield said, “Adopting CCaaS is a critical and foundational step within the digital transformation of the contact center.”
“CCaaS is just one of the technology advancements setting the stage for more widespread use of AI across the contact center environment,” he added.
Many enterprises are turning to automation and the cloud to address a growing number of customer interactions efficiently and with the agility to adapt to changing consumer needs
Moreover, AI has become a major driver of new contact center platform capabilities, forming the basis of increasingly capable virtual assistants and AI-powered analytical tools that allow companies to use vast amounts of customer data more intelligently to augment human operators’ capabilities.
“Enterprises have gained a great deal of confidence in the use of AI alongside human operators… We expect AI to be integrated into all CCaaS offerings,” added ISG Provider Lens Research Global Leader Jan Erik Aase.