CCAP forecasts 500K addt’l call center jobs in the countryside by 2028
The Contact Center Association of the Philippines (CCAP) is expecting the creation of about 500,000 additional jobs in the industry by 2028.
In the group’s 2022-2028 industry roadmap, CCAP said that full-time employees in the call center sector could increase from 1.3 million to 2.3 million with annual revenue of $49 billion by 2028. Half of the one million jobs will be created outside Metro Manila.
CCAP President Mitch Locsin said this scenario could be achieved “with the right support and policy landscape.”
“We are optimistic that our value proposition — highlighted by our competent talent pool, our track record in delivering unrivaled quality and business outcomes for our clients — remains strong and highly relevant, and will allow us to continue to take a significant percentage of the outsourced CXM demand across the globe,” Locsin added.
The Philippine contact center industry now constitutes more than 40% of the global customer experience management (CXM) market and remains a very far number one market leader.
Aside from the number of FTEs in the next six years, CCAP’s roadmap also discussed pathways toward maximizing global CXM opportunities in the Philippines.