European Trade Union chief calls for stronger AI rules
BERLIN, GERMANY — European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) General Secretary Esther Lynch calls for stronger regulation to ensure that humans would remain in control of artificial intelligence (AI).
In an interview with AFP, Lynch said there should be a guarantee that “no worker [will be subjected] to the will of a machine.”
Lynch said AI regulation was one of the topics she would discuss with the EU’s Jobs and Social Rights Commissioner Nicolas Schmit during the congress.
The ETUC chief added that every technology has “a positive side and a negative side, and the same will be true of AI.
“What we have seen is that whenever you involve workers and their unions in the introduction of technology… the outcomes are better,” she added.
The EU is currently debating a draft text calling for regulations in using AI in Europe.
It is “critically important” that AI is introduced “in a way that works for working people rather than against them.” stated Lynch. She also insists that everyone should benefit from the productivity gains from AI.
“We need to make sure that where parts of jobs or whole jobs or whole industries are displaced, that there are other quality jobs created,” the ETUC secretary added.