Amazon to offer over 3,000 customer service jobs in Philippines this year

E-commerce firm will offer about 3,200 skilled jobs in its dedicated customer service centers in Cebu and Manila this year, adding to the 1,800 it opened last year. Amazon said the jobs will serve its global customers and provide 24/7 world-class customer service to North America and the UK. The Cebu and Manila customer service centers have a range of positions that include customer service associates, team managers, and group managers. Tom Weiland, vice-president worldwide for customer service at Amazon, said Amazon’s customer service is one of the strongest in supporting customers and that he is proud to see the Philippines growing as part of its global network. Charito Plaza, director general of the Philippine Economic Zone Authority (PEZA), said Amazon has helped the country become a major player in the digital economy in Southeast Asia and the world. Aside from the Amazon Customer Services activity, Amazon also launched Amazon Web Services (AWS) in the country in 2016, which helped in the growth of AWS for Southeast Asia.