Philippines government to train workers in augmented intelligence

The Philippine government considers the re-skilling and retraining of workers in the use of augmented intelligence (AI2) as one of its measures to meet the challenge of AI on jobs in the BPO industry. The workers will be trained in the use of AI2-enabled systems to make them ready for the onset robotics and automation. Augmented Intelligence combines the power of artificial intelligence with human intelligence to enable a workforce to become more effective and productive by enabling it to do more complex and higher-paying tasks, according to Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT) acting secretary Eliseo Rio. Under the planned AI2 solution, about 482,000 unskilled workers will be tasked to handle low-skilled work, while 525,000 low-skilled workers will perform mid-skilled work and 309,000 mid-skilled workers will be able to do high level tasks.